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Dog Waist Corsets

Dog fur is one of the time tested means of radiculitis, osteochondrosis and nephritis pain relief.

Unlike other animals’ fur used in medicine dog fur:
• Contains surfactant substances that exercise a salutary effect over the body;
• Neutralizes negative electrical charges on the body surface;
• Is a great heat conserver;
• Performs a needle effect on skin favoring blood rush to ailing area.

The easiest way to get relief from back pain is to use the dog fur elastic waist corset. It is irreplaceable for people who work on a draught, drivers, gardeners and tourists. The waist corset is easy to handle, clinging to body and invisible under clothes. Dog fur waist corset is designed to warm up the lumbosacral area. When in contact with skin, dog fur performs micromassage improving the blood circulation. Due to unique qualities of dog fur the waist corset is recommended to use for radiculitis, neuritis etc.


RADICULITIS, ISCHIAS, NEURITIS are acute and chronic spinal, nephritic and arthritic inflammations. These are cured by means of plain warmth.

• Radiculitis • Waist pain • Ischias • Osteochondrosis • Nephritis • Spinal injuries

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